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Tavarua Island Resort

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STOKE Certified join fight against reef damaging sunscreens
STOKE Certified join fight against reef damaging sunscreens
All Good Products has joined the STOKE Affiliate Impact Network to offer STOKE Certified sustainable surf resorts—like the world-renowned Tavarua Island Resort—reef friendly sunscreen as part of a comprehensive effort to protect corals in surf destinations around the globe.

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA – All Good Products has joined the STOKE Affiliate Impact Network to offer STOKE Certified sustainable surf resorts—like the world-renowned Tavarua Island Resort—reef friendly sunscreen as part of a comprehensive effort to protect corals in surf destinations around the globe.

STOKE (Sustainable Tourism and Outdoors Kit for Evaluation) is the world’s first sustainability certification body with standards built specifically for surf and mountain destinations and events. All Good—makers of organic skincare and reef friendly sunscreens—is proud to partner with STOKE and Tavarua to educate and promote the restoration of reef health in our oceans.

Every year, around 3,000 guests, including some of the world’s best professional surfers, stay at Tavarua where an estimated 105,000 ounces of reef friendly sunscreen washes off into the ocean. A bulk dispenser of All Good is available at the resort’s boat shack for staff and guests to use and learn about the “Awful Eight” chemicals to avoid in sunscreens as many brands claim “reef safe” when they are not.

“Tavarua will not carry any sunscreen that is not reef friendly. It’s a simple step that can have a massive impact on the health of our surrounding ecosystems. Our guests are ocean people and spend many hours in it every day. We like to encourage all of our visitors to snorkel the reef and really get a feel of the precious environment we are protecting. We certainly wouldn’t want them harming it in the process,” says Jamie Isbell from Tavarua Island Resort.

Tavarua’s passion for the reefs does not stop with sunblock. As a STOKE Certified Sustainable surf resort, Tavarua has implemented a holistic approach to reef conservation over its decades of operations to establish a reef safe legacy, including:

Establishing the first Giant Clam hatchery in Fiji with more than 500 juvenile Tridacna Gigas with support and training from the Fijian Fishers Department. These endangered clams have now tripled in size and are thriving in the ocean nursery surrounding the island. Natural spawning events from the mature Giant Clams have released millions of larvae into the ocean currents and could help repopulate the entire west side of Fiji.

Tavarua’s hatchery also includes Hawksbill Sea Turtle rehabilitation ponds for hatchlings who do not make it into the ocean after their first attempt. 

Installing and maintaining 12 moorings to prevent a radius of reef destruction from boats anchoring at world-class surf breaks like Cloudbreak and Restaurants.

    ▪    Ocean water quality testing and coral health reef checks with a local NGO, Mamanuca Environment Society.

    ▪    Currently working with the Fijian government to establish a Marine Protected Area around the island and surrounding reefs.

“I’m so stoked to see All Good products being used on Tavarua,” says Paige Alms, two-time Big Wave Champion, Ocean Advocate, and All Good Athlete Ambassador. “I am lucky enough to be a guest at Tavarua multiple times a year and have seen first hand the positive impact that they are having with their marine ecosystem around the island. I’m proud to share the story of their reef protection and rehabilitation efforts, and what I have been fortunate to see, as it can serve as inspiration for us all. Having only reef friendly sunscreen available on island completes the circle.”

The STOKE Affiliate Impact Network rewards those who are committed to sustainability. The collective includes like-minded outdoor brands like All Good who offer discounts on environmentally and socially responsible goods and services to STOKE Members to green their supply chains and increase their certification score.

“Through our partnership with STOKE, All Good wants to help elevate the movement of resorts considering the environment, sustainable design, and local communities in planning and decision making,” said Ryan Rich, All Good Co-Founder and VP of Sales. “The triple bottom line of caring for people, profit, and the environment is in our DNA and this partnership with STOKE and Tavarua continues that mission.”

“All Good’s pioneering efforts in reef friendly sunscreen research and product development was a perfect fit for the STOKE Affiliate Impact Network. Major sunscreen companies are jumping on the “reef safe” bandwagon while still using one of the eight chemicals that harm coral reefs. Our partnership enables surfers and our certified resorts like Tavarua to duck dive the greenwash as part of a comprehensive approach to restoring ocean health,” added Carl Kish, Co-Founder and CEO of STOKE.

For more information on STOKE and All Good, please go to and To see what chemicals are not considered reef friendly, see the criteria here:

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